martes, 15 de enero de 2013


First breakfast

I intake  a sandwich of omelette with ham and cheese , a glass of hot milk , a yogurt and a banana that  Maria gave me . At the end I felt very sat , in the rest of the classes until the breaktime I was a little distracted  and in P.E.  I didn't really want to run , at breaktime I wasn't hungry. 

    Omelette with ham  ( 104 kcal) cheese (10, 5 kcal) milk ( 70 kcal) yogurt ( 126 kcal) banana ( 122kcal) Total = 432,5 kcal

Second breakfast 

I intake a sandwich of serrano ham and cheese whith a yogurt and a orange juice . This time I felt full also but the rest of the day I felt so motivated , with a lot of energy , maybe more happy . At breaktime I wasn`t hungry too.

  Sandwich with serrano ham  ( 134 kcal) cheese (10, 5 kcal)  yogurt ( 126 kcal) orange juice (84 kcal) Total = 354 ,5 kcal

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